Predators Series 9 – Meet The Jungle Disguise Contest Winners!

Our Predator Series 9 “Win ‘Em Before You Can Buy ‘Em” contest has come to a close, and wow! You guys were not afraid of going the whole nine yards in your quest for these action figures. It was tough to narrow down the field from all the entries, but without further ado, here are the winners! Each winner’s prize is listed below their photo.

ATTENTION WINNERS: Please email us to claim your prize!

The Grand Prize

Gerardo Santa Rosa


Mud, torch, creepy jungle — check, check and check! Gerardo just scored a full set of Predator Series 9 action figures.

The Runner Ups:

Justin Aquila and Son


Who knew that this contest could be a father-son bonding experience? For their entry, Justin and his son win a Jungle Disguise Dutch Action Figure, and some memories that will last a lifetime.

Matthew Blackert

Matthew Blackert-sml

Mud and camo were obviously a popular theme among entrants, but Matthew clinched his spot with the great pose, and his handmade spear and torch. The prize for his efforts? A Jungle Disguise Dutch Action Figure!

Honorable Mentions:

There wasn’t originally an honorable mention category, but we were compelled to create one, and you’re about to see why.

Pedro Adolfo

pedro adolfo-sml

This is possibly the most thorough and enthusiastic application of mud we’ve ever seen.

Laki Terzidis – Chocolate Frosting and Sprinkles


Can Predators get diabetes? This one’s about to find out.

Check Out All Entries!

adam jensenThomas MickleboroughTerence Coverpedro adolfo6pedro adolfo5pedro adolfo4pedro adolfo3pedro adolfo2pedro adolfopedro adolfo 11pedro adolfo 10pedro adolfo 9pedro adolfo 8pedro adolfo 7Paul GillomniportentNicole BouchardMatthew BlackertMatt MilletteMark GablerMark Gabler - Mudleif olsonLaki-Terzidis-Sprinklekerry spencerkerry spencer 2Kenny FeehanKenneth Pereirajustinaquila2justinaquilajustin aquila3juliosevillajulio galeano2julio galeanojose avalos6jose avalos5jose avalos4jose avalos3jose avalos2jose avalosJason Bakerjason bakerJack McGeeian mooreIan Hutchinsongerardo santa rosagerardo santa rosagerardo santa rosabrandon koulabouthAlex Xanderadina madamjensen2

Remember, if you weren’t one of the winners, you can still pick up the Predators series 9 action figures when they ship to stores in June.

We had a ton of fun with this contest, and obviously you did, too! Let us know what you thought, and what other kinds of contests you like to see on Facebook, Google+, or Twitter!