Announcing the 2012 NECA Halloween Costume Contest Winners!

Delayed, But Not Forgotten – 7 Lucky Winners Awarded!

This year’s submissions were even harder to judge than last year’s. Several high-quality costumes got us into deep discussions around the office, but we finally arrived at a consensus.

Apologies on behalf of Hurricane Sandy are in order – our offices were without power for 10 days, and unfortunately some delays came as consequence. We were supposed to announce the winner of our 2012 Halloween Contest week ago.

To compensate, we actually an ADDITIONAL winner. See below:

Kids’ Costumes

Winner – Jason Baker as Predator

If Predators were this cute, Dutch would have a much harder time handling them. Jason’s costume came out amazing and he deserves the cool assortment of goodies he’s about to receive.

Honorable Mention – Joshua as Sauron

A 9-year-old that wants to go out dressed as the Dark Lord Sauron certainly deserves bonus points, but with a costume that intricate, we felt like he deserved a shout out. Joshua will receive either a plush or a headknocker from our new Lord of the Rings line.

Sexy Costumes

Michelle Perl as Anya Stroud

Michelle accurately impersonated Anya from Gears of War, down to the artfully placed blood. She will have access to some awesome apparel — and of course, lots of figures to choose from.

VALVE Costumes

Melissa Giese as Chell

Melissa put a lot of effort into her accessories, building her own Portal Device and Long-Fall Gravity Boots. We especially have to mention the fact that she baked her own cake — baking is a delicate science!

Melissa will have the option to choose any Portal Replicas currently available.

Most Accurate Costumes

1st Prize Winner — Alexander De La Rosa as Freddy Krueger

Alexander went through a lot of work to get the house, the backdrop, even the bear made, not to mention his intricate makeup (or mask, we can’t figure it out!). He’ll win:

Jason Mask + Freddy Glove + Hellraiser 7″ Figure Assortment + entire Series 1 of Gremlins 7″ Figures

2nd Prize Winner — Dale Harvey as Theron Guard

Dale’s costume doesn’t look easy to wear, much less fabricate! It’s awesomeness from head to toe, and for that he wins:

Freddy Glove + entire Series 1 of Gremlins 7″ Figures

3rd Prize Winner — Fernan Renzoe as Jason Voorhees

Fernan’s costume worked just as efficiently as the original in the movie — no unnecessary accessories, simply the rags left over from previous kills and his good old machete. The simplicity coupled with a really good shot won him:

Entire Series 1 of Gremlins 7″ Figures + Hellraiser 7″ Figure assortment

Claim Your Prizes!

Winners, please send an email to with your address, phone #, and prize options if you need to make a selection. Allow 1-2 weeks for delivery.

HUGE THANKS To ALL Participants!

We here in the office didn’t get to enjoy Halloween as much because of Sandy, and seeing your submissions helped us cope. We certainly appreciate it, and hope you’ll join us for the next contests very soon!

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