The First Xenomorph?
In another exciting edition of “Behind The Scenes Wednesday,” we showcase one of the most anticipated (and talked about) figures of 2012 — the Deacon from Prometheus!
Starting out with David and Holloway, you can expect our Series 2 Prometheus action figures to hit shelves in January 2013. See the announcement below, straight from our Twitter feed:
BTS – Prometheus Action Figures Series 2
Special "BTS Wednesday" edition from @NECA_TOYS
Storified by Leonardo Saraceni · Thu, Nov 15 2012 23:47:16

The Deacon
The two snake-like accessories you see in the package are called “Hammerpedes,” and are built with wire armatures to be bendable. Expect some awesome action shots once they come out!
Coming up in our Prometheus line
In our previous edition of BTS Wednesday, we revealed some of these dates, but let’s recap:
- December 2012 – Trilobite vs Engineer 2-Pack (Toys ‘R Us exclusive in the US)
- January 2013 – David, Holloway & Deacon – Prometheus Series 2 (General release)
- Spring 2013 – Infected Fifield, Shaw, & Vickers – Prometheus Series 3 (General release)
Important Reminders
- Our “Behind The Scenes” images may not always reflect the final product. These are subject to change.
- Thanks to an amazing response to both our Engineer figures in Series 1, there are only a few available. Grab yours while you can!
Stay Tuned!
As usual, there’s always more to come here at NECA. Keep an eye on Facebook, Twitter or G+ for fresh updates!