We’re bringing back the Collector Spotlight series and to start things off, we have a fairly newcomer to the collectibles community!
Basic Info
Collector Name: Andrew Durling
How Long Have You Been A Collector?
2 years
Why Did You Start Collecting?
I had looked at Neca items online for about a year before I purchased my first. I was very interested when I saw the sdcc Nintendo game version of Jason, then the theme music one got released which my wife got me for Christmas that year. This was shortly followed by the nes replica Jason mask and Retro cloth nes Jason.
What Was Your First Item?
My first Neca item was the Friday the 13th nes version 2 Jason with music theme. I was hooked!
Share Any Unique Details About Your Collection
I mainly collect horror figures but also have Alien, Predator, Terminator, Robocop figs, aswell as some other things I really love the retro cloth mego line of figures which some people dont care for. I like the way they look in the package with the beautiful art cards, great for the MOC collectors. Just remember to buy 2! I just recently got my first 1/4 scale figure (Dream Warriors) IT IS AMAZING. Can’t wait to get the Freddy’s Revenge and hopefully a new Jason.
What Is Your Favorite Item?
Which NECA Toys Are You Most Anxious For?
Any new releases for Friday 13th and Nightmare on Elm St.
Check Out Andrew’s Collection

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