Too Tough for Broadway

He’s one of the single most recognizable icons in music, and the guy doesn’t even have a heartbeat. The mascot for the Beast and the face of blistering heavy metal for over two decades, Eddie has appeared on every Iron Maiden cover since the band’s self-titled 1980 debut. The Ghoul of 1000 Faces returns in a brand new action figure from NECA: Iron Maiden: Phantom of the Opera Eddie. Based on the iconic artwork for Iron Maiden‘s classicPhantom of the Opera single, our newest 7″ action figure deserves a place in the homes of metalheads everywhere.

The newest plastic incarnation of Eddie is articulated and comes with a detailed futuristic pipe organ base. He’ll be on shelves by the end of the month, but here are some photos of our final painted sculpt to ease the painful days of waiting. So crank up the Maiden, tune up the air guitar, and gaze in wonder at Phantom of the Opera Eddie!