Basic Info
Collector Name: Mörbid Flö
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How Long Have You Been A Collector?
13 years
Why Did You Start Collecting?
I grew up with movies like: Planet of the Apes, Godzilla, Jaws, Star Wars and so on…. I always loved monsters and creatures since I was a child. I also played with Kenner’s Alien and Predator toys back in time, I didnt know the movies at this point because of the ratings (I was too young). Then I saw Alien the movie with 13 years and that was my kick off to start collecting movie models… With 15 years I started to build up model kits and now I build my own dioramas and sometimes sculpt busts and lifesize figures….
What Was Your First Item?
An old alien garage kit from the early nineties
Share Any Unique Details About Your Collection
I have a very huge collection, the main part is dedicated to Alien and Predator merchandise, but I also collect horror stuff… I also have two lifesize Aliens and one lifesize Predator in my collection….
I built my own custom made dioramas for figures and models. I have a review show on youtube called: “Mörbid Reports”
Check this link for the show:
What’s Your Favorite Item?
hhhmmm too much, I love them all. Specially my selfmade stuff
Which NECA Toys Are You Most Anxious For?
All new Alien and Predator releases from NECA!!!!
Mörbid’s Collection

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